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Poly Group launched its project "Cultural Poly Benefits Villages", aiming to boost rural revitalization through cultural industries

Source: Time:2022-07-07Hits:12 【Font Size:Big In Small

Recently, Poly Group launched its "Cultural Poly Benefits Villages" project, aiming to explore the "Poly Model" and "Poly Brand" of how cultural industry empowers rural revitalization.

According to sources from Poly, the project "Cultural Poly Benefits Villages" will rely on 20 villages in 7 counties under Poly's assistance to build a platform for rural cultural and artistic exchanges. This project involves four major programs focusing on film watching, art education, Chinese folk art promotion, and auction respectively.

Film Watching

Based on the project "film projection in rural areas", the "film watching" program will donate a batch of film projection equipment to rural areas. Excellent films since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and films about models of the times will be on display. It is planned that two films will be shown in each village every week, with nearly 1,000 films shown annually. With resources of Poly Film, this program will help the 7 counties aided by Poly show their unique cultures and sell their unique agricultural products.

Art Education

The "art education" program gives full play to the advantages of Poly's music education business, thus beefing up support for music and art education. In 2022, Poly took the lead in carrying out pilot work in Xincheng, Guangxi Province and Wutai, Shanxi Province. Poly goes forward in accordance with the three-step idea, namely "training teachers – training high-level music teachers for rural schools", "learning to sing – teaching 200 nursery rhymes for primary school students in two counties", and "staging troupe performance – building county-level children's art troupe".

Chinese Folk Art Promotion

The "Chinese folk art promotion" program aims to give full play to the advantages of Poly Theatre's cinema line. Poly will continue to promote the "Errentai" art of Hequ in Shanxi Province by including it in the "2022 China Excellent Local Plays Exhibition", and help local culture "go out" through a centralized tour. Poly will bring welfare to Hequ, "introduce" excellent plays into Hequ, and bring high-quality night shows and classic children's plays for the local left-behind elderly and children. In addition, Poly will assist Ludian County of Yunnan Province in creating local sitcoms to tell the inspirational stories of Ludian.


The "auction" program aims to give full play to the advantages of Poly as a leader in auction business. Poly will join hands with public welfare organizations to explore the cultural products and non-heritage assets of the counties under Poly's assistance, and make use of the Internet to attract public attention to valuable artistic assets. Poly will actively broaden the fund-raising channels, and expand the coverage of public welfare projects through its own influence and online auction platform.

