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Pursuing Excellence for a Better Life Poly Group Holds Its Brand Culture Release on July 15 (Poly Day)

Source: Time:2022-07-15Hits:892 【Font Size:Big In Small

For any Chinese enterprises that aims to become first-class globally, it’s necessary to build their brands and nurture corporate cultures. As a central government enterprise, Poly Group operates in many fields, including clothing, food, housing, transportation, culture, entertainment, etc. To become first-class in the global market, Poly must build its brand and corporate culture that are globally competitive. On July 15, 2022, Poly held its Brand Culture Release, attended and addressed by Liu Pinjun, President of China Council for Brand Development, Peng Huagang, Secretary General of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC). The event was also attended by all senior management staff of Poly Group and employee representatives of subsidiaries and branches in Beijing. The event made public the core elements and framework of Poly’s brand culture during the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan period. Striving to become a creator of better life, Poly Group is committed to living up to people’s expectation for a better life.

The centripetal culture as basis of brand recognition

Since its founding on July 15, 1984, Poly Group has emerged through reforms and opening-up, developed in the market, and prospered in the new era. Over the course of the past 38 years, Poly has created its unique corporate culture born out of its “red gene” symbolizing belief and “blue gene” symbolizing market.

During the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan period, Poly Group registered an operating revenue of 1.56 trillion RMB yuan, with profits and taxes totaling 371.2 billion RMB yuan. Poly’s profits and total assets grew at a compound annual rate of 21.4% and 21.5% respectively, with its total assets reaching 1.57 trillion RMB yuan. Poly has been included in the list of Fortune Global 500 for seven consecutive years, ranking a new high at No.174. Poly has been labeled as A-level enterprise in the annual business performance appraisal of heads of central government enterprises for 10 times. Today, Poly has diversified subordinate enterprises with diverse cultures, including traditional state-owned enterprises, enterprises emerging from the market, wholly state-owned enterprises, sino-foreign joint venture enterprises, listed companies, etc. Those enterprises operate in trade, real estate, culture, science and technology, engineering and other industries. Poly has built its core values of “shouldering responsibility and prioritizing development” through inclusiveness, mutual learning, integration and innovation. “Shouldering responsibility” represents the basic requirement of Poly’s “red gene”, while “prioritizing development” symbolizes the distinctive features of Poly’s “blue gene”. Guided by the core values, Poly firmly fulfills its responsibility regarding politics, economy and the society, fully implements the new development philosophy, and enhances its intrinsic driving force based on innovation, so as to promote the corporate development to a higher level.  

Better service delivery consolidating the brand quality
