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Xv Niansha: Poly’s most valuable experience is the construction of a high-quality workforce

Source: Time:2020-03-22Hits:779 【Font Size:Big In Small

Xu Niansha, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Poly Group, talked about his feelings since the outbreak of the new crown,“I’ve been through many things, but this time is such an usual experience that I experienced together with the comrades of Poly. It is the high-quality workforce behind Poly that helped us accomplished these unusual tasks”.

He said that, just like most people, he spent more time on watching the screens of electronic devices during the outbreak. Because we work online, a lot of work is done by online communication and online deployment, but the work efficiency has not decreased.”

“Although many business trips and meetings have been cancelled, a large number of new and unexpected events still need to be processed every day, and the workload is still huge. Our team has to undertake multiple responsibilities.” After learning that there were employees in a subsidiary company in Wuhan who got infected with COVID-19, the Group leaders directly called the relevant staff in close contact and asked them to find a place to get themselves isolated and not make their families infected.

In addition to personally inspecting the epidemic prevention and control situation at the scene, he also made direct video contact with infected employees and front-line personnel in order to master first-hand information and solve practical difficulties.

There must be extraordinary actions in extraordinary times, the life and health of employees is the most important thing for Poly Group. It is necessary for leaders to do things themselves and stick to what they have done, so that leaders can be more assured and employees will be encouraged.”

Among the infected employees that Xu Niansha spoke to on line, one employee of Poly Company in Hubei province has now recovered from the epidemic. The employee kept writing diary during her hospital stay, she recorded what the chairman said in the video connection, “the company will make every effort to help everyone”. As of March 13, in Poly Group, a total of 21 people were diagnosed, of which 17 were cured and discharged.

There are many impressing people and things during the epidemic. “Especially the property company in Wuhan. It manages more than 90,000 home owners and more than 300,000 people. During the Spring Festival, it was too late to reschedule the deployment, and many employees returned to their hometowns. Under this circumstance, more than 700 real estate staff members on the job just picked up this burden. They are famous role models, unknown heroes.”

Employees of Hubei Poly Hotel donated 114 sets of mattresses and bedclothes to support the Mobile Cabin Hospital in Hongshan Stadium; they provided 3 conference rooms and 46 guest rooms as the work docking place for the district epidemic prevention and control headquarters and received Inner Mongolia Medical Team. “They have done a lot of work, and it is worthy of recognition.”

The top leaders of Poly Group adhered to the front line and established an epidemic prevention and control Leading Group and Working Group. The general manager and the secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection did not take a day off; The chief accountant and deputy general manager are responsible for donating, importing equipment, deploying anti-epidemic materials, organizing production, and resuming production, they each responsible for their task, working day and night. Liu Juncai, deputy general manager of the Group, as the leader of the epidemic prevention Working Group, did not take a day off during the Spring Festival. He led all members of the Working Group to adhere to the daily meeting and the daily report, he also closely tracked the health status of employees and the work of the Group’s epidemic prevention and control.

As the domestic epidemic situation has turned better, the thinking that the epidemic has brought to all walks of life continues to deepen. How to achieve a long-term development for the enterprise is also a question that is being considered.

“This epidemic is also a test and a progress for the Chinese Internet industry. At present it seems that it has withstood the test and is no less inferior to developed countries. Our instant messaging remote office programs are even more convenient and easy to use. In the future, the demand for digital construction may become more urgent in Poly’s development and reform tasks this year. Big data sharing, digital construction, network construction, and remote office requirements for modern enterprises will all be on the agenda.”

Hubei Poly Hotel received Inner Mongolia Medical Team.

Sina Finace: During the epidemic, what did Poly Group do to protect employees' safety?

Poly Group: On January 2, the leaders of the headquarter instructed Wuhan Qintai Grand Theater to be vigilant and do a good job of epidemic prevention. On January 13, Chairman Xu Niansha made arrangement for the Group’s epidemic prevention and control before attending the Davos Forum, and he also made video contact and deployment on the matter during his travel abroad. On January 20, the Party Committee of the Group held an emergency remote meeting, and the epidemic prevention and control Group and Working Group were established.

During the Spring Festival, everyone in the Leading Group and Working Group did not even have a day’s rest, everyone was keeping an eye on the development of the epidemic at any time, deploying in advance and making immediate responses. The Leading Group and Working Group responded to the instructions of the Party Central Committee, the State Council and the SASAC as soon as possible, in the Poly Group from top to bottom everyone cooperated actively, so that the instructions of the Central Government could be implemented.

Until today, the epidemic prevention and control Working Group insists on daily meeting to report the situation. For each employee who is diagnosed, suspected, and on observation, the Working Group will make sure who is he and tracks his situation day by day to ensure that it can offer help and guidance when problems are found.

We organized employees to set up an internal medical security team, which can protect the safety of employees while reducing the social burden, and it is a feature of Poly in the epidemic prevention and control. This is a suggestion made by the Group leaders after comprehensive consideration, scientific evaluation of epidemic prevention and control and assessment of first-line medical stress, which is responsible for the employees.

After the call was issued, hundreds of people actively signed up to participate, forming a high-quality professional force of more than a dozen people, including retired cadres, medical staff of pension institutions and volunteer employees, all of them are experienced, have a medical background and have the ability to provide medical knowledge, counseling, and psychological counseling services for the employees.

Poly Group has more than 4,000 employees in Hubei. Except for 21 were infected because of a cluster in the early stage, the epidemic did not spread widely, and the family members of them had almost no infection. After learning that there was a case in a company in Wuhan, the Group leader directly called the specific person in charge and asked them to find a place for the employees to live and help them to realize isolation, in order to ensure that their families not be infected. Caring for employees’ families and leaving sick employees without worries is also a part of our epidemic prevention and control work.

Sina Finance: What has Poly done in serving the fight of epidemic?

Poly Group: As a Group with diversified businesses, Poly Group responded quickly to the outbreak and took various measures to protect the fight of epidemic.

On the front line of epidemic prevention, property management services are not stop. Poly’s property company has more than 40,000 employees. These employees assisted local governments in treating more than 1,200 communities and more than 200 million square meters of property across the country in charge as positions and building a prevention and control system for more than 3 million owners. Many property employees and security and cleaning staff have not returned home for the Chinese New Year and have always adhered to the front line.

In terms of scientific research, Beijing Poly Microchip Technologies Co., Ltd participated in the manufacture of respiratory viral indicator nucleic acid detection kit, which was approved by the State Food and Drug Administration for emergency approval. It has become the only detection kit that includes COVID-19 detection and has been affirmed by Academician Zhong Nanshan and has been applied to the frontline of epidemic prevention and control.

The epidemic prevention and control system developed by Shanghai Alcatel-Lucent, a joint venture of Poly, accurately presents suspected epidemic areas and trajectories, and has comprehensively implements functions such as accurate warning, scientific inspection and control, and AI screening, now it has been launched in many domestic provinces through operators such as China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom.

In terms of ensuring supply, the food court fermentation department of Sinolight Corporation resumed production on January 26 (the second day of the new year), it provided standard strain products for testing for the quality control of medical masks, protective clothing, disinfectants, drinking water quality and medical sewage discharge;

During the Spring Festival, Sinolight Surfactants Technology Co., Ltd worked overtime to open up a green channel for major manufacturers of disinfection equipment and washing supplies and provide raw materials for production.

There are also a number of enterprises actively converting production to meet the epidemic situation and market needs. For example, after the resumption of work, China Silk Corporation quickly converted to produce ethanol (wet wipes), masks, and other urgently needed medical supplies, which were completed and delivered within 8 days. What’s more, the enterprise could produce 500,000 protective masks per day.

Aiming at the material security problem of the four Beijing medical teams that supporting Wuhan, Poly Group overcame the difficulties and directly distributed high-quality ingredients to multiple medical team stations each week. It has provided a total of about 400,000 yuan and more than ten tons of logistics materials to the aid medical team, and provided meal security for more than 400 medical staff.

Behind Poly Group, there is a high-quality workforce. They have a high degree of understanding of issues, they work with great love and have the quality and ability to shoulder heavy tasks. In the pace of progress, the headquarter has always been committed to lead everyone ahead of the times, to be practical and pragmatic, so that make Poly people have the pride of advancing with the times.

Sina Finance: Poly Group manages communities with 300,000 residents in Wuhan and stood to the severe test of the epidemic. Are there experience and solutions to share?

Poly Group: There are 56 projects with over 3,000 staff under Poly management in the severely affected area in the city of Wuhan. Because of the Spring Festival holiday, there were only more than 700 property staff on the front line during the outbreak of the epidemic. They have been on the job for a long time without rotating. They have been working hard all the time. Among the Poly owners, there were only some 300 people diagnosed, accounting for 1 ‰ of the population served, which is much lower than the proportion of Wuhan’s cumulative diagnoses among the remaining residents in the same period.

The credit goes to our team and leadership. In addition to professional capacity and leadership, what is more important are the value and social responsibility that Poly people hold dear to and the respect for people and life. Many young people have never encountered such a situation, and most of them are the only child at home. But this time they are also the heroes in harm’s way, struggling on the front line.

Institutions and standards are equally important. Poly Property has formulated the “One Two Three Four Five” epidemic prevention work system, and quickly established a standardized management mechanism. To meet the needs of the property owners, regardless of excessive workload, we proactively provided “non-contact” services such as running errands, buying food and medicine. After the death of some owners, we also assisted in the transfer of the remains.

After the lockdown of communities in Wuhan, property management became the veritable front line. The property staff explained and publicized patiently, worked hard to gain the understanding and trust of the owners, proactively carried out psychological counseling, and did a good job of emotionally guiding for the owners

Since the outbreak, Poly Property people served as customer service, security personnel and cleaner, as well as courier, auto repairer, porter, etc. They are ordinary heroes who are on duty 24 hours a day, and just like you and me, they are only the ordinary parents, children and lovers. Under the severe test of the epidemic, Poly’s most valuable experience is to build such a property team that can fight hard and never retreat.

(Poly Property delivers food to owners)

Sina Finance: What has Poly Group done in terms of social donation and assistance?

Poly Group: Since the outbreak, Poly Group has provided donations of over 100 million yuan to Hubei province and Wuhan city through direct donations, assistance in building mobile cabin hospitals, and donation of various epidemic prevention and living materials.

When the epidemic just started, in response to SASAC’s call, Poly Group donated a total of 20 million yuan. In addition, we called on 897 Party organizations and more than 15,000 Party members to make voluntary contributions to help this fight against the epidemic.

In less than a week, the Group imported 16 medical ECMOs (artificial lungs) with a total value of more than 30 million yuan from abroad. The doctors at Wuhan Tongji Hospital were moved and said that these were life-saving equipment.

Poly Development Commercial Company reduced some rents during the Spring Festival for tenants in its 22 shopping malls. We were the first large state-owned enterprise who proposed the assistance policy. The company also donated 165 types of living materials with a total value of 36 million yuan overnight, including 10,543 beds, furniture, guest supplies, toiletries, uniforms, etc., to support the construction of mobile cabin hospitals in Wuhan.

Poly Developments and Holdings Overseas Corporation, Poly International Holdings Co., Ltd, China Silk Corporation and its subsidiaries, Fujian Industrial Company (international trade business of China National Arts & Crafts Group Co., Ltd) China National Household Paper Industry Association under Sinolight Corporation Paper Institute, and the investment companies used multiple channels at home and abroad to purchase epidemic materials such as protective clothing, masks, hygiene products such as adult diapers, as well as drugs to support the affected areas.

Changchun, Jiangxi, Fujian and other companies under Poly Development Holdings Co., Ltd cooperated with Poly Property to waive one-year property fees for owners who are the medical workers that assisted Wuhan, and provided daily fruits and vegetables for free as well as living services such as errand purchasing.

Yangtze Optical Fibre and Cable Joint Stock Limited Company under China Huaxin Post and Telecom Technologies Co., Ltd donated many communication materials of more than 200,000 yuan to support the telecommunication and IT construction of the Huoshen (Fire God Mountain) Hospital and Leishen (Thunder God Mountain) Hospital and other hospitals.

(Poly Group donated 16 ECMOs)

Sina Finance: How much impact does the epidemic have on your company’s production and operation?

Poly Group: At present, businesses of 110 theaters and cinemas of Poly Culture Group Co., Ltd. have been suspended. After the outbreak of the epidemic, we have canceled the original performance arrangements and done various work, such as performance suspension and online refund.

So far about 1,000 shows planned before May, 31 have been canceled. It is estimated that we’ll handle around 300,000 ticket refunds worth about 31 million yuan.

We have done a lot of work in the cultural sector in terms of international cultural exchanges, which has been productive. For example, as the most popular Broadway musical, The Lion King, could have given a performance with the largest scale and the longest time of its international tour in China again after 17 years. It was originally scheduled to take place in Wuhan and Beijing in the first half of this year. Meanwhile, Poly Culture Group Co., Ltd. has also arranged a variety of cultural performances for the audience this year. But, all of those have to be canceled because of the sudden outbreak.

At the same time, Poly Culture Group Co., Ltd. has quickly organized a series of online “cloud services”, such as “cloud theaters” and “cloud education of Shanghai Poly Art Troupe”. About 40 theaters subordinate to Poly Group has launched many online art activities, including music, drama, dance, opera, drama for the children and so on, so as to provide audience with online viewing services.

Poly Cinemas has actively responded to the Proposal of China Association of Performing Arts, made a commitment to fight against the epidemic and has taken a series of measures, such as refunding deposits, cutting rents and holding special performance for the epidemic fighters at the front line.

What’s more, all hotels subordinate to Poly Group across the country have been closed during epidemic prevention and control. Meanwhile, some hotels have provided great support to local epidemic prevention and control headquarters.

Sina Fiance: What’s about resumption of work and production of Poly Group?

Poly Group: While doing well in epidemic preventive and control, we overcame all difficulties to resuming the work and production that should be resumed. Poly Group has a total of 1212 subsidiaries. The subsidiaries have achieved full resumption of work except for the 113 subsidiaries that the local government explicitly requested to delay their business operation.

In fact, many subsidiaries are not resuming work, they never stopped their work.

In terms of infrastructure, the engineering and projects at home and abroad are still progressing steadily. Poly Changda Engineering Co., Ltd. subordinate to Poly International Holdings Co., Ltd, has always been following up the domestic key engineering project, Shenzhen-Zhongshan Lingdingyang Bridge S05 and S08, and overseas infrastructure engineering projects in countries along the Belt and Road Initiative. In addition, it has resumed construction work in Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Anhui, Zhejiang, Henan and Hebei provinces, including expressway building, municipal transportation engineering, offshore wind power and “Rural Road Construction” project. It is reported that over 80 projects of Poly Changda Engineering Co., Ltd., resumed construction .

What’s more, we make every effort to minimize the impact of the epidemic. Poly Finance Company Ltd. arranged rotation on duty without taking a break during the Spring Festival in order to serve the international clearance.

Poly Property Group Co., Ltd. has always been fighting at the front line without stopping services. As the epidemic is under control, there is a recovery in other property services.

Many subsidiaries closely worked with market supply and social service and intensified their online efforts to improve the traditional industry going for “Internet Plus” operation. Poly Developments and Holdings Group Co., Ltd. and Poly Property Group Co., Ltd. innovated real estate construction and sale and developed an online marketing model. During this special period, Poly International Auction Co., Ltd. opened a business model with “cloud collection plus telecommunication”. China National Arts & Crafts Group Co., Ltd. developed an online marketing strategy to provide “cloud shopping” for its customers.

Under the premise of ensuring safety and order, producers, manufacturers and scientific research companies promoted resumption of work and production and guaranteed the supplies could meet the demand of export orders. In particular, joint ventures, such as Poly Nokia Bell Corporation and Poly Orica Corporation, resumed work and production on time. The latter delivered 2 million products within 10 days after accepting the order from Melbourne Orica Headquarter.

At present, the epidemic is spreading across the world. Poly Group continues to resume work orderly in terms of its international trade and overseas engineering projects on the basis of obeying local regulations and ensuring effective epidemic prevention and control.

(Poly Changda Engineering Co.,Ltd Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel Project west anchorage slotted)

Sina Finance: Will Poly Group adjust its target and plan of production and operation this year?

Poly Group: At present, there’s no way to estimate the impact of the epidemic on economy. Although the epidemic has been well controlled in China, it continues to spread overseas. We are not in a hurry to make adjustment, but to go all out for closely following the epidemic situation. We will observe the market with greater energy than usual, make good use of policies, and make timely adjustments to reduce the losses caused by the epidemic.

Chinese President Xi Jinping said, “The Chinese nation has undergone a lot of tribulation in the history, but we have never been defeated. Instead, we become stronger and braver to fight.” We Poly members believe the serious epidemic will not change the fundamentals of China’s long-term economic development. After the epidemic, China will have new demand and new development space. We are full of confidence in overcoming difficulties and in heading towards a bright future.

