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Group leaders attended the unveiling ceremony of Poly Permanent Union Holdings Group Co., Ltd.

Source:保利集团 Time:2015-01-08Hits:857 【Font Size:Big In Small

The unveiling ceremony of Poly Permanent Union Holdings Group Co., Ltd. was held in Guiyang on Jan. 6, 2015. Wang Jiangping, vice governor of Guizhou province and Poly Group leaders including Zhang Zhengao, Wang Xiaochao, Chen Xiaozhong and Zhang Xi attended the ceremony. Wang Jiangping, vice governor of Guizhou province and president Zhang Zhengao of Poly Group unveil the company together.

On the ceremony, Wang Jiangping, Zhang Zhengao and Chen Xiaozhong made an address respectively. Luo Depi, president of Poly Permanent Union Holdings Group Co., Ltd. officiated at the ceremony.

Wang Jiangping pointed out that Poly and Permanent Union’s restructure was a great success as well as a typical model for Guizhou’s deep reform.

President Zhang Zhengao said the restructure was the strategic plan of Poly’s promotion of civil explosives industry. Poly would strengthen the in-depth cooperation in the fields of real estate, culture, energy and civil explosives with Guizhou province in the future.

Chen Xiaozhong, chairman of Poly Permanent Union Holdings Group Co., Ltd. emphasized on accelerating the “going globally” strategy to realize “building the best explosive industry in China and best in the world as well”.
