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Chairman Xu Niansha met with Yang Jianrong, Party secretary of CPC committee of Jinshan District of Shanghai

Source:保利集团 Time:2013-07-12Hits:879 【Font Size:Big In Small

Chairman Xu Niansha and CFO Peng Bihong met with Yang Jianrong, Party secretary of CPC committee of Jinshan district of Shanghai in New Poly Plaza on July 10, making exchanges on strengthening mutual cooperation.
Chairman Xu expressed his welcome to Yang Jianrong’s visit, made a brief introduction of Poly Group and hoped to strengthen mutual cooperation in the future. Yang Jianrong made an introduction of the social and economic condition of Jinshan district in detail and hoped to have broader reciprocity and cooperation with Poly Group.
Department directors of the headquarters and concerned officials from Jinshan district attended the meeting.
