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Wang Xiaochao went to Hequ county of Shanxi province for inspection.

Source:保利集团 Time:2013-07-01Hits:673 【Font Size:Big In Small

 From June 20 to 22,Wang Xiaochao, deputy Party secretary of CPC committee of China Poly Group went to Hequ county of Shanxi province to make site inspection of new “aid-the-poor’ program. Concerned local officials accompanied the inspection.

Hequ county, located where Shaanxi, Shanxi and Innermogolia meet, is the national-class poor county, which is also the new place assigned to Poly by the central government for the new “aid-the-poor” program. There are 340 villages under its administration with the population of 147.2 thousand, among which 114 are categorized as poor with the population of 49.7 thousand. 
During the stay in Hequ, the team went deep into the high mountain areas to inspect the 6 “aid-the-poor” projects in Hequ such as profession education center, the Er Ren Tai art troupe, Zhao Jiagou detoxication seed potatoes base and Nanyuan village agricultural facilities. Later on, vice county magistrate of Hequ introduced the Hequ county and recommended projects like green house planting along the river, grass growing and stock keeping at a halfway on the hill and detoxication seed potatoes on the mountainous area. 