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Board of Supervisors of SASAC for Poly accomplished the replacement from June 26 to 28.

Source:保利集团 Time:2013-07-01Hits:726 【Font Size:Big In Small

 On June 26, Shi Xiping, chairman of the Board of Supervisors and other working staff of No. 07 office of the Board of Supervisors came to Poly, met with chairman Xu Niansha, former chairman Chen Hongsheng, president Zhang Zhengao and deputy Party secretary of CPC committee of Poly Group Wang Xiaochao to say good bye and talk about the replacement of the Board of Supervisors. 

Chairman Shi expressed his gratitude to Poly’s attaching the great importance of the work of supervisory board for the long past, which made the term successfully accomplished. The administrating level of Poly Group has been promoted during the recent years, which thanked to the Group leaders’ foresight, entrepreneur, diligence as well as the subsidiaries’ full implementation of the Group’s whole strategic planning; it also thanked to the strong, clear-minded, politics taken-seriously, whole interests taking-into-account top management, the transparent human relations, hardworking employees and clean enterprise culture. It was certain for Poly to have this achievement and he was very glad to see the goal of the “Twelfth-Five” plan could be reached in advance. He was also confident, after the leader group change of Poly Group, in chairman Xu Niansha’s leading team which would surely bring Poly’s development to a new stage.
Former chairman Chen Hongsheng, president Zhang Zhengao and deputy Party secretary of CPC committee of Poly Group Wang Xiaochao addressed respectively. They expressed their thanks to the supervisory board’s supervision, instruction, support and help. The supervisory board fully understood Poly’s difficulties, sincerely helped Poly to tackle the problems, and proposed many suggestions and specific measures, which had promoted different aspects of administrative level, internal control and risk avoidance of Poly in the meanwhile of the operating performance rise. 
Chairman Xu Niansha made an antithetical couplet impromptu to express his feelings then: “working together for 3 years to bring forward Poly Group” and “unwilling to separate from each other for the time being” with the horizontal scroll of “mutually building state assets”. He hoped that the supervisory board staff could continue to provide their concern and support to Poly Group. 
On June 28, the new staff of Board of Supervisors met with top management of Poly in New Poly Plaza. Li Bing, chairwoman of the Board of Supervisors, other working staff of No. 21 office of the Board of Supervisors and top management of Poly Group attended the meeting. 
Xu Niansha, chairman of Poly Group and Party secretary of CPC committee of Poly Group expressed his heartfelt welcome to the new office term of the Board of Supervisors. President Zhang Zhengao made a report on the history, company structure and development of main business scopes of Poly Group.
Chairwoman Li Bing thanked for the introduction. She said that the work of the Supervisory board played a very important role in the state assets supervision and administration, while Poly was an outstanding representative of state-owned enterprises; as the operator and supervisor of state assets respectively, Poly Group and the supervisory board could work together to maintain and increase the value of state asset. Last, chairman Xu niansha of Poly Group emphasized that Poly Group would consistently provide its support and coordination to the supervisory board to guarantee the work in different aspects for the supervisory board. 