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Recent activities of Group leaders

Source:保利集团 Time:2013-05-15Hits:815 【Font Size:Big In Small

In the middle and late of March, president Zhang Zhengao paid visits to Ethiopia, Namibia and Tanzania with vice president Wang Lin and concerned department directors of Poly Group. Premier Haile Mariam of Ethiopia and president Jakaya Kikwete of Tanzania met with president Zhang and discussed about the cooperation in the fields of international commerce, engineering and resources, as well as attended the equipment hand-over ceremony respectively. During his visit, president Zhang also met with the concerned governmental organs, cooperative partners and ambassadors in the 3 countries, inspected the projects constructed by Poly Technologies Inc., and expressed his regards to the staff of company branches in the 3 countries.

From April 16 to 17, president Zhang Zhengao, Party member of the standing committee of Poly Group, CFO Peng Bihong went to Foshan taking part in the shareholders meeting. During the stay, Group leaders also paid inspection to the real estate projects in Guangdong and Dongguan.

In late April, chairman Chen Hongsheng and president assistant An Shengjie went to Australia for business inspection. Chariman Chen met with Cr. Jeff McCloy, mayor of Newcastle city of New South Wales state and Tim Owen, senator of New South Wales state; inspected the overall planning and infrastructure of Newcastle city, coal mines under Centennial Coal Group and Newcastle port which undertook the coal ocean transportation in the Hunter Valley zone. In the meanwhile, Chen Xiaozhong, vice president of Poly Group and An Qiang, general manger of Poly Chemical Co., Ltd. were also in Australia for business inspection. They two visited the ground station and technology center of mixed charged emulsion explosive under ORICA Group, made an in-depth study of the latest technology of mixed charged emulsion explosive in Australia as well as its fundamental mode to serve for the mine’s explosive, which, had laid a good technical foundation to broaden and strengthen the civil explosive industry of Poly Group.

On April 19, Zhang Jianhua, vice director of COSTIND came to Poly Group for working inspection. President Zhang Zhengao and vice president Wang Lin made report on the present international trade and business, the follow-up planning and recommendations to Zhang, who, highly confirmed the achievement Poly had made in international trade and business.

On April 23, the video conference of reporting economic situation organized by SASAC was held in Beijing. Huang Shuhe, vice director of SASAC informed the state-owned enterprises of the economic performance for the first three months and Jiang Jiemin, director of SASAC delivered a summary speech. Top management of Poly Group attended the conference and passed on the conference mind after that.

On May 6 , the 2nd training course for the intermediate and advanced cadres of Poly Group began in Beijing. Top management and department directors of the Group as well as managing staff of the main subsidiaries participated in the course. After 5 day’s training, the operation and administration awareness of the trainees had been further enhanced.
