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President Zhang Zhengao attended the opening ceremony of copper-zinc ore of Katerich in Xinjiang autonomous region.

Source:保利集团 Time:2012-10-30Hits:722 【Font Size:Big In Small

The opening ceremony of copper-zinc ore of Katerich in Xinjiang autonomous region was held in Qiemo county on October 18. Wang Yongming, vice chairman of the political consultative conference and the director of Commission of Economy and Information Technology of Xinjiang autonomous region, Zhang Zhengao, president of Poly Group, An Shengjie, general manager of Poly Energy Holdings, Ltd. as well as local officials from Bayingol Mogolian Autonomous Prefecture and county of Qiemo attended the ceremony. Vice chairman Wang Yongming of Xinjiang and president Zhang Zhengao of Poly Group pressed the button for launching the copper-zinc ore together, after which, they also visited production line workshops.

The formal launching of the copper-zinc ore’ putting into production, not only filled the blank of mineral resources in the field of metal by Poly Energy Holdings, but also symbolized the substantial entry into the non-ferrous metal field, which had played an important role in the field of metal and mining resources strategic exploitation for Poly in Xinjiang.

After the ceremony, president Zhang Zhengao went up to the Katerich copper-zinc ore located 4100 meters above sea level. He inquired about the mining construction and production planning and expressed his sincere regards to the workers and their families from the front line.
