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Shi Xiping and Chen Hongsheng went to Xinjiang for mining inspection and met with leaders of Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.

Source:保利集团 Time:2012-08-13Hits:781 【Font Size:Big In Small

Chairman of the Supervisory board of SASAC Shi Xiping and chairman of China Poly Group Chen Hongsheng went to Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region to inspect mines of Poly Energy Holdings Ltd. in Xinjiang from July 31 to August 6, 2012. They also met with Zhang Chunxian, Party Secretary of CPC committee of Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region and Nuer Baikly, chairman of Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region respectively.

During their stay in Xinjiang, Shi Xiping and Chen Hongsheng inspected coal mines of Poly Energy Holdings Ltd. as well as the civil explosives mines of Poly Explosives Group Co., Ltd.. Chairman Shi addressed to affirm the achievement the two companies under Poly Group had achieved and hoped they could keep entrepreneurship, strengthen exchanges with local government and reach reciprocity and win-win situation.

Chairman Chen expressed his gratitude to the consistent concern and support of the Supervisory Board of SASAC to Poly Group, made emphasis on the development of Poly energies in Xinjiang and reminded the administrative and production staff.of the safety awareness.

Shi Xiping and Chen Hongsheng met with Zhang Chunxian, Party Secretary of CPC committee of Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region and Nuer Baikly, chairman of Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region on August 5. Zhang Chunxian and Nuer Baikly highly appraised of Poly’s active participation and full engagement in the mining resources investment in Xinjiang, as well as the Poly’s great play of state-owned enterprise to fulfill social responsibility and provide strong support to the national’s aid to Xinjiang. Shi Xiping and Chen Hongsheng expressed the gratitude to the concern and support of Xinjiang to the state-owned enterprises’ and Poly’s development in Xinjiang. Chairman Chen also said Poly would unswervingly took part in the local construction to promote the leap-forward development and to realize long period of stability and order of Xinjiang.
