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Poly Culture Group Co. Ltd, listed in the “30 excellent cultural enterprises” for the fourth time, was ranking No.1 in the culture and art category.

Source:保利集团 Time:2012-05-28Hits:721 【Font Size:Big In Small

Poly Culture Group Co. Ltd was continuously ranking No. 1 in the culture and art category of “30 excellent cultural enterprises”. The list of the 30 enterprises was released in Shenzhen on May 18. Liu Yunshan, member of the Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee, member of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee and minister of the Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee awarded the prizes to the concerned enterprises.

Poly Culture Group Co. Ltd was listed in the “30 excellent cultural enterprises” three times for the year of 2008, 2010 and 2011. On the fourth election of the “30 excellent cultural enterprises” Poly Culture was again listed and ranked No. 1 in the culture and art category, which had put into the key position among the first-runners in cultural industry for Poly and enhanced company image and social prestige for further realization of leap-forward development. 
