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Chairman Chen Hongsheng and president Zhang Zhengao met with Zhou Qiang, Party secretary of Hunan provincial committee of CPC

Source:保利集团 Time:2012-04-11Hits:707 【Font Size:Big In Small

Chairman Chen Hongsheng and president Zhang Zhengao went to Changsha, meeting with Zhou Qiang, Party secretary of Hunan provincial committee of CPC for further exchanges of mutual cooperation with the accompanying of president assistant Zhu Mingxin and An Shengjie, head of General Office Liu Juncai, head of real estate department Han Qingtao of Poly Group and concerned managing staff of Poly Culture, Poly Energy, Poly real estate Hunan branch on April 7. Vice governor of Hunan province Chen Zhaoxiong and other government officials attended the meeting.
Chairman Chen expressed his gratitude for the trust and support from the government and made brief introduction of Poly Group. He admired the high-speed economic rise, the complete new outlook of cities and the countryside as well as the social stability and happiness of Hunan, which had provided great confidence for Poly to realize broader reciprocity and mutual cooperation with Hunan. Poly would give full play to its self advantages to widen investment fields and to reinforce investing scale to contribute more to the local economic development and cultural prosperity.
Party Secretary Zhou welcomed the delegation and highly affirmed Poly’s active participation in the local economic and cultural construction as well as the great achievements it had made. With the brief introduction of Hunan, Party Secretary Zhou expressed his welcome to Poly’s investing in Hunan based on sound cooperative experience and willingness. He also hoped to cooperate with Poly in in-depth fields like defense trade, real estate, culture and energy resources.
During the stay in Hunan, chairman Chen and president Zhang also paid inspection to the related real estate projects in Hunan.
