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President Zhang Zhengao of Poly Group attended commissioning ceremony of Equipments in Ghana.

Source:保利集团 Time:2012-03-09Hits:907 【Font Size:Big In Small

President Zhang Zhengao paid an official visit to Republic of Ghana and Republic of South Africa upon the invitation of related counterparts from February 19th to 27th, accompanied by vice president Guo Qiang, Wang Lin and director general of Department of Enterprise Development Zhao Zigao of Poly Group.

During the visit in Republic of Ghana, president Zhang Zhengao attended the commissioning ceremony of fast patrol boats built by Poly Technologies, Inc. for Ghana Navy, met with the officials of Ministry of Defence and Ghana Armed Forces as well as H.E. Ambassador of China to Ghana Gong Jianzhong and Commercial Counselor of Chinese Embassy Gao Wenzhi. The delegation also inspected the engineering projects contracted by Poly Technologies, Inc., investigated the land reserved for Ghana representative office building and African union villa, exchanged ideas with local mining company, and extended warm greetings to the staff of Ghana Representative Office.

On February 20th, president Zhang Zhengao, together with H.E president of Republic of Ghana, Prof. John Evens Atta Mills, Hon., Minister of Defence, Lt. Gen Smith, Hon., Minister of Food and Agriculture, Mr. Ahwoi, commanders in service of Ghana Armed Forces, parliament members and local residents attended the commissioning ceremony of 4 units of 46m fast patrol boats built by Poly Technologies, Inc. for Ghana Navy in Sekondi Naval Base. H.E. President, Prof. Mills delivered important speech, and he pointed out, that Ghana was in urgent need to realize the defence modernization, to guarantee the economic development of the nation and safeguard the security in territorial sea. President Mills also expressed gratitude to China Poly Group for the building of fast patrol boats, which would play an important role in protecting fishing, oil and gas resources of Ghana and contribute to national security. President Zhang Zhengao, on behalf of China Poly Group, delivered speech. After extending the sincere gratitude to Ghana government and Ghana Armed Forces for the trust and support given to Poly, he emphasized that, China Poly Group, as the large scale state-owned enterprise of China, had been committing itself to the cooperation with African countries in terms of defence technology, mineral resources development and infrastructure engineering etc., and would further contribute to the promotion of economic and cultural development of Ghana by bringing its advantages in military technique and specialized areas into full play. Minister of Defence, minister of Food and Agriculture and commander of Naval Force also made their remarks.

During the visit to Republic of South Africa, president Zhang Zhengao held a few rounds of meetings with the entrepreneurs in mining sector, made an on-the-spot investigation to local grape plantation and vine chateau, and made a thorough study of local economy, culture and history.
