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Wang Xiaochao, Board Director of China Poly Group Corporation, Deputy Secretary of China Poly Group Committee of the CPC paid a visit to Baotou branch of Poly Real Estate (Group) Co., Ltd.,

Source: Time:2011-04-14Hits:833 【Font Size:Big In Small

Wang Xiaochao, Board Director of China Poly Group Corporation, Deputy Secretary of China Poly Group Committee of the CPC paid a visit to Baotou branch of Poly Real Estate (Group) Co., Ltd., made an inspection on the projects of Lafite Pavillion, Nanhai Golf Park and Poly Garden, and inquired about the progress and development of each project. Deputy Secretary Wang affirmed the achievement that Baotou branch had made, pointed out to make in-depth study of macro-control policy on real estate business, to take active measures and to relieve the negative effect on the business to the minimum. He also wished Baotou branch could further increase the market share in Baotou and extend the business steadily to some other cities in Inner Mongolia.
