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The training course for the intermediate and high level managerial staff of Poly Group was held in Party School of CPC.

Source: Time:2011-05-16Hits:646 【Font Size:Big In Small

The training course for the intermediate and high level managerial staff of Poly Group had been successfully held in Party School of CPC from April 23 to 27. This course was the first group training for the intermediate and high level managerial staff of Poly Group, aiming at further enhancing the general competence and managing capability of managing staff of different levels of the group. Leaders of Poly Group Chen Hongsheng, Zhang Zhengao, Wang Xiaochao, Zhang Liansheng, Guo Qiang, Wang Lin, Chen Xiaozhong, Peng Bihong, president assistants, department directors of head office and managing staff of subsidiary companies that totalled of 64 took part in the training course. Deputy director of Party school of CPC Li Shulei made speech on the opening ceremony, Chairman of the Board of Directors Chen Hongsheng and president Zhang Zhengao made speech respectively on the opening and graduation ceremony of the training course. The course had proved to gain good effect with the content including macro vision, political theory, leading capability and enterprise management, which was taught by professors of the Patty school and social prestigious experts.
